Esthetician Approved: With Sylvie Lefranc
October 18, 2023

An interview with Sylvie Lefranc @sylvie.lefranc Sylvie wears ACTIVIST Mānuka Honey Mask
Sylvie Lefranc is a French face yoga expert, facialist and author. With a passion for holistic well-being and a love for the connection between the body and mind, Sylvie's journey began when she discovered Hatha yoga at the age of 25.
Driven by her innate desire to merge Hatha yoga principles with facial care, Sylvie created her own unique method of face yoga. Her groundbreaking approach offers women gentle and self-respecting techniques to maintain a youthful and radiant complexion.
Tell us a bit about yourself
I am a French, Face Yoga Expert.
Author of three books about Face Yoga and Face massage including the best seller Yoga du visage, 5 min par jour pour rajeunir Editions Leduc. I have created a unique Face Yoga method combining face reading, face massages, face yoga, yoga breathing techniques and acupressure for a completely holistic approach to prevent and correct Face Aging.
I have now trained more than 200 professionals to my method through professional teacher trainings. I also provide totally unique facials, that I create sur mesure according to each face, combining all the techniques above, to revive the energy flow, smooth the lines, tone the tissues and awaken the Glow.
Already as child, I wanted to become an esthetician, but as a daughter of two mathematics teachers, my wish was not welcome when I was young. So I did mathematics studies, and started my professional life as a high official in different Ministries in Paris. But I knew that I had another purpose in life, and trained continuously to learn wellness and beauty techniques. I traveled a lot to India and followed courses to become an Hatha and Yin Yoga teacher, as well as an Ayurvedic body and face practitioner.
I then attended training in Face Gym and then Face Yoga. I eventually attended a training in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. I then felt I was ready to create my own method and live the professional life I had always dreamed of.

What is your own personal skincare regime?
I love green clean cosmetic products and use them daily, morning and evening, for cleansing, toning, hydrating and nourishing purposes. I always spend 5 to 10 minutes to massage my skin deeply and practice some acupressure points and some face yoga exercises according to the needs I feel, both physically and emotionally.
The first thing you do every morning?
I drink a glass of water at room temperature in summer and spring, and hot water in autumn and winter, sometimes with some drops of fresh lemon juice.
What do you think is the most overlooked part of skin care?
The way we touch our skin is extremely important for its health and beauty, and is a very precious beauty ingredient. The thoughts we have when we perform our beauty rituals are also very important as our face muscles are muscles of emotions. Face massages are an amazing way to rejuvenate the skin outside and heal inside.

Thoughts on aging?
Aging is a gift that we have to enjoy each day as we wake up. Aging means a natural transformation of the body that we can gracefully accompany through deep respect of the body needs and self care.
Your Favorite skincare ingredient?
I have many, but among the favorites are rose water, plum oil, rose petals and honey.
How do you feel about the skincare industry right now?
There is an explosion of new green brands, some are amazing, some are not and it is increasingly difficult for customers to distinguish between the two and they are a bit lost. So personally, I feel increasingly attracted by products that have a simple composition, with amazing raw ingredients, that make them powerful by the life force they have and they can give to the face.

How do you incorporate ACTIVIST Mānuka Honey into your practice or personal routine?
I love ACTIVIST Mānuka Honey In and Out, and my favorite combination is with rosewater and rose powder (the one I use is by Anima Mundi). Inside, I prepare a rose Mānuka latte with vegan milk (usually almond or hemp), rose powder and a spoonful of ACTIVIST Mānuka Honey. It nourishes my heart and my soul and makes me happy. Outside, I mix a spoonful of ACTIVIST Mānuka Honey Mask with half a spoonful of rose powder, and apply it on the skin as a face mask, sometimes leaving it without massage, sometimes with a light massage to have a very gentle scrub effect. This mask gives a amazing glow, and a baby soft skin.