Miwa Sakamoto
February 27, 2023
Miwa Sakamoto @sakamoot All photographs by Nastassia Brückin for ACTIVIST
"Lately my daily routine has been starting with a barefoot run on the beach. I try to go really early – both to miss the crowds and to catch the sun as it wakes up the ocean and the sand. I feel super charged by the ocean and while I can only run a bit on the sidewalk, I can run forever on the sand with the ocean lapping at my feet." —Miwa Sakamoto
What do you spend your time doing?
Hiking, running, dancing, moving and cooking.
Favorite flower:
Poppies! Especially the red ones which spontaneously explode in my parent's backyard every year!
What are personal values that you believe in:
I really believe having compassion is one of the most important values to me. It’s pretty hard sometimes to move past the negative “reaction” impulse and pause to try to understand another person, but it’s always worth it. The experiences and contexts are all different but the feelings are the same. And being able to see that in a challenging situation creates a connection and an opportunity to grow by learning more about yourself and another human experience!
A song or band from your formative teenage years that still resonates with you today and why:
Radiohead. My super cool art teacher in high school used to play it all the time during class. I have the best memories of working on projects and feeling all those teenage feels but also feeling so content and happy.
Fire, Earth, Water, Air?
Fire and water. Can I do two?
DIY skill you possess or want to learn:
I often knit, sew and embroider!
If you could change one thing about the world right now, what would it be:
I would love to see people invest in more reusable items and make an effort to make less waste. It’s so sad to see the trash piling up and know that there are other more sustainable options out there!
Movement, meditation or ritual you engage with:
I need to do some kind of intentional movement everyday. I feel the mind-body connection pretty strongly and when I neglect to engage with my physical body I definitely feel my mind start to run wild. I feel the most alive when I move, whether it’s hiking, running, swimming or doing pilates. How my body moves through space and how it feels to contract and stretch my muscles always changes, but it always has the same effect; to calm my mind and confirm my spirit and purpose.
Eco-therapy; how do you like to be involved with Mother Nature?
Lately my daily routine has been starting with a barefoot run on the beach. I try to go really early – both to miss the crowds and to catch the sun as it wakes up the ocean and the sand. I feel super charged by the ocean and while I can only run a bit on the sidewalk, I can run forever on the sand with the ocean lapping at my feet.
How do you use Activist Mānuka Honey?
How don’t I?! I have been using Mānuka Honey as a mask since high school but I’ve never loved a Mānuka brand as much as I do ACTIVIST! I use ACTIVIST as a face mask or a spot treatment for little blemishes. I also use it to help with sore throats or any time I’m feeling under the weather!
What is natural beauty to you?
Uniqueness. There is so much beauty all around in the amazing individual expressions of life. For myself I try to highlight what I have that is unique rather than try to conform to look like someone else.
How do you try and keep your life uncomplicated?
I try to allow my intuition to guide me as much as I can. I feel that oftentimes trying to think too rationally leads to overanalyzing and creates mental blocks that just make things complicated!
Favorite recipe to cook for friends?
Kitchari! It’s an Ayurvedic staple that is super simple but so delicious and warming.
A challenge in your life that you have overcome:
I used to have a pretty rough relationship with myself and my body and such a negative dialogue with myself; it sent my whole perspective on a downward spiral. Eventually I realized this was not how I wanted to experience life and started to try shift how I think towards more positivity. I started to focus on health as not being something that meant restricting and controlling but flowing and enjoying. Since then, I see myself so differently and I am beyond grateful for my body and how it has shown up for me each and everyday of my life.
Is there something you are passionate about at present or want to bring light onto a particular subject?
It’s nothing new, but voting with your money and everyday choices. Politics is so convoluted and removed for most people that it can feel really frustrating wanting to make a change but not having a platform. But everything we buy, do or participate in is a choice that either supports or detracts from a cause and community. Finding and connecting with good companies and good people and then sharing these things with friends and strangers helps to bring the energy and support to the people and companies taking the time and energy to do good by the earth and all its inhabitants!